Do No Harm
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“Do No Harm” free stuff!


For a free “DO NO HARM” bumper sticker (white-on-black or black-on-white) or a semi-translucent frosted wrist band, and/or a 3.5” round “NO HARM” decal: in the US and Australia, send a business size Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope; and in Europe, send a self-addressed standard envelope with an international reply coupon.  Please note your preference of bumper sticker, wrist band, and/or round decal.

United States                                      Australia

Clyde Grossman                                Andy Macleod


Sacramento, CA  95822                     Lowden, Western Australia  6240

USA                                                   Australia

Please do not send money!  We do not accept monetary donations!  Please support the movement by doing no harm and if you can, please spread the “Do No Harm” message.

NOTE:  We have been asked not to give names to ‘mailing lists’.  Please feel assured that we do not give or sell names, and we do not even keep names.

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